Tranquil Whale™
The cute Tranquil Whale™ projects a moving ocean light effect onto the ceiling of the room, thanks to a unique and patented mechanism. You can also choose between a calming melody and the sound of the waves (white noise) to soothe your little ones to sleep. Tranquil Whale™ will transform your child's room into a peaceful oasis.
SPECIAL FRIEND: A baby whale rattle accompanies the Tranquil Whale™.
2 products
The Tranquil Whale by You

We have been loving the Tranquil Whale Family for calming our little one before bed. It has been amazing at promoting peaceful sleep in our toddler by soothing her with its underwater projections and peaceful sounds. A cute, unique, and fun way to set the tone for bedtime.

Recently I got this Tranquil Whale family with soothing white noise and night projector from@cloudb_caand this is her whole day companion now! She sleeps with them at night as it projects a moving ocean light effect onto the ceiling of the room and plays a calming melody sound of the waves which helps her soothe to sleep!

It has been almost a week since we have gotten our@cloudbTranquil Whale 🐳 Family, and our whole family is absolutely in love! I can't express enough how much we enjoy its calming sounds and its ocean blue lights. Adam and Lorraine are falling asleep with it and even open it when they just want to chill.

🐳 Magische Einschlafhilfen und treue Freunde 🎶
Der Tranquil Wal und die Schildkröte zaubern Meeresgeräusche (weißes Rauschen) und eine sanfte Melodie. Hinzu kann eine beruhigende, blaue Wellenprojektion gewählt werden 🌊 von@cloudb