Theme: Friendship, accepting the difference. Tina the turtle plays hide-and-seek with her friend Pwik the sparrow, who finds her very slow. Because of her slowness, playing hide-and-seek with Tina seems impossible for Pwik, who gets a little annoyed with the situation. But Tina manages to trick her way to win the game. Pwik learns that the differences between him and and Tina are not a bad thing but just make them each unique.
Theme: benevolence, helping. Tina the turtle meets three mischievous cosmic goblins who have locked the Guardian of the Stars in a crystal and made a mess of all the constellations. Unfortunately, the guardian is injured during her captivity and can't put the stars back in order. Tina decides to help the Star Keeper put the stars back in the right order.
Theme: rescue, courage, solidarity. Tina the turtle helps a shipwrecked squirrel. The squirrel had to leave his island, which was destroyed by a fire, to try and bring back food to feed to his family. Unfortunately some Octopus pirates destroyed his boat and his provisions. But thanks to the help of Tina and her friends, the squirrel is able to take food back to his family.
Theme: discovery, difference, opening to the world. Tina the turtle explores the city. She sees the vehicles and the houses of the humans, which she finds very strange. She compares the cars and different habitats to her own shell, and decides that she and the humans aren't that different, after all.
Discover the stories, sounds and light projections for kids aged 0-8.